P O R C E L A I N A - Z M A S T E RC L A S S
This is a series of three one week masterclasses covering the major elements in the creation of porcelain slip cast objects. It is possible to take just one of the courses or all of them. If you book for two or more of these courses then the participation fee will be discounted (please see below).
M O D E L . A N D . M O U L D M A K I N G
4 - 9 July, 2016
During this 6 day workshop, Ilona Romule will demonstrate her step-by-step approach to design, model and mould making, describing how she transfers factory technology to a studio environment to create her unique porcelain works. Participants will learn the process of design, creating the original model from plaster and making the moulds ready for slip casting.
S L I P . C A S T I N G . A N D . A S S E M B L Y
11 - 16 July, 2016
During this 6 day workshop, Ilona Romule will demonstrate her way of slip casting in high quality, translucent porcelain and constructing her pieces from cast and assembled parts. There will be a possibility to fire one high fire porcelain kiln with some of the finished works in at the end of the course. Participants can be provided with moulds to cast from - or if you were part of the week 1 course then you will use your own moulds.
C H I N A . P A I N T I N G
18 - 23 July, 2016
Ilona has received international recognition with her slip cast porcelain figures and is reknowned for her use of semi-erotic imagery both in the form of her fine porcelain pieces and also in the surface decoration. She uses a variety of onglaze enamel techniques which she will be demonstrating during this Masterclass. White, glazed, porcelain "blank" pieces will be supplied for the participants to paint.